Friday, September 20, 2013

"The Christian idea of marriage is based  on Christ's words that a man and wife are to be regarded as a single organism - for that is what the words 'one flesh' would be in modern English. And the Christians believe that when He said this He was not expressing a sentiment but stating a face - just as one is stating a fact when one says that a lock and its key are one mechanism, or that I violin and a bow are one musical instrument. The inventor of the human machine was telling us that its two halves, the male and female, were made to be combined together in pairs, not simply on the sexual level, but totally combined..." (104).

We did not really talk about marriage in class, but this quote stuck out to me. Now-a-days, people are uniting as one before marriage and are treating sex like a recreational everyday activity, which is not how sex is supposed to be. Marriage is when two people unite and become one, not only under God's law, but as well as the government. It makes me sad seeing girls give up their virginity to a guy because they think that the guy "loves them" and does not want him to leave her. If the guy really loved the girl and was not only with her to get some action, he would actually love her and marry her first.

This quote personally effects me because it makes me think about things before I do it. Not only through sex, but in other choices in my life as well. As Mrs. Meyers pointed out, "when a person is in conflict, both sides are equally represented," and as in the case of sex as well as other issues of morality, it is a matter of which side I choose to put more stock into that determines the outcome. And ideally, the decision will be made with the influence of the Holy Spirit.


  1. Ahh, sex, perhaps the greatest struggle for Christian teenagers in this modern era. The world declares that it is totally fine. Sex before marriage is endorsed, it is encouraged, and we are often regarded as uptight prudes for pursuing anything to the contrary. But, you know what? Forget them. Heck, just embrace it! And remember, no one ever regretted waiting ;)

    Also, I really appreciate your extension of the message to beyond mere consideration about sexual purity. It applies to every aspect of your life! What a wonderful sentiment indeed. Be thoughtful with every decision you make, and you will have less regrets, I guarantee it.

  2. Oh, and I just wanted to add... Good work, Mo! Nicely done.

  3. Preach it girl! Hard hard hard to wait, but so, so, so worth it. And you're right in noting that giving God the reins when we feel all the horses of temptation (those wild stallions!) trying to drag us away is crucial. In my life, praying through those challenges ended up transforming me on a much deeper level than I expected. It resulted in, not only a more vivid understanding of myself, but also a deeper understanding of God.

    I feel like "the two sides of a conflict" may have actually come from Melanie... Was that when we were talking about parents taking one side of an argument and their children automatically assuming the other side? In any case, she at least deserves an "assist" on that quote, if not the whole thing. :) Thanks for assuming the wisdom came from me though, ha!

    Spelling note: affect and effect are super tricky! But if you're using it as a verb, it's generally going to be "affect". Think "a" for "action." "Effect" is more often used as a noun. (I know this is the most exciting thing you've heard all weekend.)

    Nice job with this dear. :)
