Friday, November 29, 2013

A feast on thanksgiving day!

The morning of Thanksgiving came, ‘twas bright
With autumn to see and leaves falling tree
But I know everything’s gonna be aight
‘Cause I know the warm bright sun’s for me  
‘Twas time to get the recipe cook book
Happy to see that the chef was possessed
And then the chief prepared the feast to cook
Now ‘twas time for the chef to have his test 
But then it was time to eat that dinner
Now time for a gourmet, delicious dessert
This was not the time to be more thinner
I was too full after eating to flirt  
Yet when the food came out it was a feast
One that was fit for a queen and a beast

Friday, November 15, 2013

I am sorry for my fathers wrong doing

My dear Antigone;

I Haemon, am in love with you and want no other. I am sorry for my father's wrong doing and stubbornness. I went to talk to him today and he did not listen to a single thing I said. At first I tried doing the simple thing and agreeing with him, being humble,  however he did not listen. I said "[Yes] I am your son, sir; by your wise decisions My life is ruled, and them I shall always obey. I cannot value and marriage-tie above your own good guidance" (143). Instead he responded to my humility by saying "Rightly said. Your father's will should have your heart's first place... Do  not be fooled, my son, By lust and the wiles of a women..." (143). He did not understand that what I said was not true and went on to say other harsh things that I shall not mention now. As for you my dear Antigone, I am doing all I can to get you out of that cave. I want nothing else than to be with you, and I hope my father can realize that. Its like he just does not understand me. I could not take being nice to his stubbornness and insincerity. 

After taking my father's crap I finally snapped. He thinks that what he is doing is right but I told him that the people of Thebes think not and he responded with the most ignorant thing I have ever heard him say. He said "Since when do I take my orders from the people of Thebes?" (146). I tried to stay as calm as I could saying "Isn't that rather a childish thing to say?" (146). He then had the nerve to say that he is a great ruler...!! What?! He would be "... an excellent king - on a desert island" (146). He is legitimately the most conceded person I have ever met and I am so sorry you have had to put up with him. I am coming to get the right women for me, you, my Antigone, and am planning on marrying you. I look forward to calling you my wife.

I look forward to seeing you soon

