Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Little Things We take for Granted

No matter how hard life gets, one thing I learned is that we are still alive, and I know for us at Seattle Christian, we lived a very blessed life, which at times makes it easy for us to forget how blessed we truly are. I know as of lately I have forgotten how blessed of a life I really do live and so I am going to take a moment to list things I am thankful for.
1) I am Thankful for my family
2) I am Thankful for new life


3) I am Thankful for new days

4) I am Thankful for basketball

5) I am Thankful for my friends

 6) I am Thankful for baking

 7) I am Thankful for Hawaii and the delicious food that comes from there :)
 8) I am Thankful for wakeboarding and boating

9) I am Thankful for snowmobiling and the views that come with it

10) I am thankful for being able to watch professional teams and go on the field. (Photo credits to Mike Fiectner).

 11) Lastly I am Thankful for being able to post this on the internet and have a computer to use.